We are very excited to let everyone know about our next live and in person RISE meeting on June 10th at 5:30pm at ECPI in Roanoke, VA. If you can’t make it in person or aren’t quite ready to venture out, that’s fine we will continue to stream the e”
New post on RISE – Roanoke InfoSec ExchangeJune 2021 – Automation via Ansible by roanokeinfosec We are very excited to let everyone know about our next live and in person RISE meeting on June 10th at 5:30pm at ECPI in Roanoke, VA. If you can’t make it in person or aren’t quite ready to venture out, that’s fine we will continue to stream the events via our Zoom meeting events. Our next speaker will be our own Ed Summers. Ed will be discussing automation via Ansible. See below… Automation provides many benefits from “force multiplication” to improved configuration consistency. A modern IT professional should develop an understanding of automation capabilities and concepts congruent to their role in the ecosystem. This month we’ll explore one such automation tool: Ansible. Initially released in 2012 and acquired by Red Hat in 2015, it is an open-source application for “provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, and intra-service orchestration”. It’s agent-less operation and ability to interface with a wide variety of manageable resources (operating systems, network appliances, container systems, cloud providers) helped it become a common name in automation circles. The capabilities of Ansible are huge and we’re just going to take a peek. Join us for a blitz introduction to Ansible, some of it’s basic capabilities, and demonstrations of some potential use cases in the context of security. We hope to open your eyes to the possibilities and benefits of automation in your environment and encourage you to explore further how automation can help your team do more, do faster, and do consistently. Presenter Bio: Ed Summers somehow lost his way as a Network Engineer and ended up architecting a secure cloud environment for data center migrations. Title-less between Network Engineer and Cloud Engineer, he finds ways to deliver data by understanding both the infrastructure and applications to distill true requirements from stated desires. His current role has forced him to quickly learn cloud environments and adapt traditional on-premises requirements and processes to the new realm. He continues to serve as a senior Network Engineer for an on-premises environment – digging through pcaps, mediating latency disputes, and commenting occasional iRules for one-off application requirements. Ed has done some pretty cool things in his near 20-year career but is never satisfied on his quest to learn more. In his spare time he enjoys learning Python, shooting, ice hockey, and raising his daughter to be better than him. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech. Meeting Location: ECPI 5234 Airport Rd NW #200 Roanoke, VA 24012 Virtual Meeting Info: Zoom, more info coming This free site is ad-supported. Learn more roanokeinfosec | June 4, 2021 at 6:19 pm | Categories: Cloud | URL: https://wp.me/p7nIq3-rBUnsubscribe to no longer receive posts from RISE – Roanoke InfoSec Exchange. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: http://roanokeinfosec.com/2021/06/04/june-2021-automation-via-ansible/