****Important COVID Protocols/Mask****

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

I am so grateful to each of you for your efforts and dedication to keeping our campus and each other safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have been very fortunate that our campus has not experienced any campus spread of the Covid virus.

However, with the dramatic increase in the number of new cases in our area as a result of the Delta Variant in both those that have been vaccinated and those that have not, and with our children returning to school, it is necessary that we reinstate some of our campus Covid protocols.

  • Beginning Friday August 13, 2021 masks will be required for everyone entering the building. This includes those that have been vaccinated.
  • We will also be screening at the front door.
  • Please remember to enter the building through the front door and exit through the rear door.

Masks do not need to be worn if you are in an individual office by yourself. Masks must be worn at all times in common areas of the campus and in the classrooms and labs.

If you are not feeling well or experiencing any symptoms related to Covid-19, please stay home and contact your instructor or supervisor.

Kevin Newby
Campus President

ECPI University | 5234 Airport Road | Roanoke, VA 24012
(Phone) 540-563-8000 x30211 | KNewby@ecpi.edu | www.ecpi.edu

About the Author

Norris Jr. Shannon
MOTO - IT Support