Use GetCertified to prepare and sign up for certification exams!
GetCertified is a certification study and voucher request platform that makes it easy for ECPI University students and alumni to prepare for certification exams. All…
GetCertified is a certification study and voucher request platform that makes it easy for ECPI University students and alumni to prepare for certification exams. All…
All, Do to the high number of students parking is limited. We are allowed to park across the street in the outside mall area in…
RAFFLE BASKET FUND RAISER A variety of baskets with assorted goods inside! Basket themes include: Valentine’s Day Candy Bouquet, Movie night basket, Girl’s…
Students, 1098-Ts for 2018 are now available. They will be mailed or sent electronically if you give consent. You will receive an email from Heartland/ECSI…
Starting January 22 all MED classes will require a 73% to pass the class. If you have any questions, email
Copy of January Hiring Series Flyer (7)